Friday, February 11, 2011

friday I spent the day rushing here and there so that Asher and I could attend a pain managament appointment which did not happen as I had not written down the name who we were seeing and I had thought it was a course. So we went on a hunt to find the course which was not on and then decided to go for coffee as Asher was shaking so much. We bought some cup a soups for him to enjoy and then got home in time for me to go to my spiritual director.

I was shattered but had a good time with her. we discussed that I should journal more and so i am going to try. i find it hard to sit and write which is why i blog so perhaps a mix of both.

i rushed home to check on everyone before going out again to pick up my sister in law from the coach station. I then checked on my daughter who had been taken to the doctor while i was at the spiritual director who I have been told has an infectious tonsilitus so is best staying at my friends.

So a busy weekend ahead

Asher is feeling weak. His shoulder is hurting because the cancer is resting on the nerve junction and his oramorph is not really helping much. He is tired very very tired and looks ill.

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