Monday, January 24, 2011

Last night Meema had a soaring temperature. She was very unhappy. Thankfully she slept through the night so the cold I have has not gotten any worse, hurrah!

I have to fill in my application form for the Bishops conference. It is amazing how different it is doing it now compared to a year ago and especially even two years ago. It is like I am a totally different person. Where as last year I would have felt 'fake' writing things about myself I now am confident about things and am writing things in a much better and enthusiastic way.

I think this really shows me that time matters. If we are called for ministry but are not quite ready yet it is best to wait. I have spent so many years preparing and waiting and trying to hear when God says 'go' or 'wait' and now I can reflect and see how the meandering path I have been on while exploring the call of ordination has been one of great learning and development.

It is funny. I used to feel like a child in an adults body (I hope others can identify with that!) well now I feel like an adult. I am about to hit 40 and I feel mature. I always prayed that I would by this time! It is a very biblical age to be mature as people are referred to as young when they are under 40.

I am really looking forward to this conference now. God Be With Me.

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