I have realised something I think is always vital and I have misplaced over the years and i hope I can correct in my thoughts rather than just covering up.
My friendships have always been prayerful friendships. in other words I have always allowed God to guide whether a friendship would blossom rather than me pushing it. Of course this is fate also but with prayer it becomes a little more than that!
Relationships then have and are things that should bring us closer to God in their being but they should also enable us to in some way be more than we are.
So that is my thought...Jonathan and David were great friends and when i think of their friendship the spark that flies for me is that Jonathan sought out the best for his friend.
Another area I am really amazed at just now is that God is finally releasing me into a dawn light after a very long time of evening. I cannot really say it has been night, an over whelming darkness that has invaded every area of my life but it has certainly been a time of evening.
A time when I have felt unable, or too tired, to pray with all my soul. Too tired to read with all my energy. Too lazy to try.
I feel now that in the dawn light I am beginning to see a new world and I am not yet sure that the mists have lifted but I can see that it is good. It is a place that suits me and I hope that this new place will be a place that God and I will be able to share and enjoy.
I pray.
I found this prayer/song which really spoke to me that so many of us may enter places of darkness or wilderness and we may feel alone but we are always calling 'prepare a way for the Lord' and that in itself is a beautiful place to be.
In the lonely places
The wilderness
Where we stand forlorn
Windswept and alone
Your voice calls out
Prepare a way for the Lord
In the dark places
The shadows
Where we hide our fears
Embrace our tears
Your voice calls out
Prepare a way for the Lord
Read more at: http://www.faithandworship.com/Advent/Advent_Celtic_Christian_Celebration.htm#ixzz0zRU6ELpz
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