Sunday, January 02, 2011

Today is the day that I have to tidy.

when i get back from church it will be glad rags on and starting with my bedroom the mess is out and the minimalist is is (as minimal as the mahmoods could get anyway!)

We are going to move Meema into our room so we have a room for a girl to come and stay with us. She is an orphan who needs a family while she sorts herself out and she seems happy to help me clean and cook and look after Meema while i go out and help in the church a bit more. at least i will be able to leave meema while i go out to brownies, drop kids at clubs and go to bible study. all things that she usually has to come along too and this all disturbs any routine we might have.

i have been trying to relax and gain strength for this day for about three days now and so with this morning being the last few hours of relaxing I am off for an eton mess breakfast (very good for my diet!) and a shower. I do not think the kids will come to church as we did not get back from London last night until 12.00 and they were all wide awake on the way home munching on food!

I am aiming to read the Bible in a year following my mums church. I am also going to finish the davidheywood study which i am really enjoying. Then my morning prayer is becoming more and more steady which is lovely since learning to rest and allow time and space to have a place in my prayer life.

HAPPY NEW YEAR and I pray for my one and only that this year will bring healing and joy.


Janet said...

Good luck with the minimalism! Also good luck with the bible in a year. It sounds quite daunting (and I'm told one shouldn't try to read it from start to finish, but rather in a different order) - I'm not very good at reading my bible, I'm ashamed to admit. Anyway, I'm sure you'll do much better than me!


rosanna said...

the plan my mums church are doing can either be read in large chunks, small chunks or a few verses.

I know what you mean by not reading it from beginning to end but rather in chronological order. If you go to google and see silaspartners have a link to a reading plan for the bible in year - which of course you could aim to just read each day in a week. I think in many ways it is far better to read it slowly.

Anyway, thanks

Janet said...

Thanks for the info - I am looking at the site now - very interesting. :)