In a book I am reading 'Being a Priest Today' here is a quote:
'There is no way round the fact that if we want a life of prayer
then the only way to achieve it is by praying.'
my thoughts as I journey to discover what God and the Church want me to do with my passion to serve in the Church of England
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I have been thinking more about how I can begin to pray and find my space with God and why I am finding this so difficult at the moment.
I am realising that I am a creative person and when I pray with others there are opportunities to be creative. We had an accompanied prayer week in which a variety of creative projects were available for us to use during the open times. At each period I discovered that my mind really soaked up the creative opportunity and I found myself reaching into a mental arena that I had not expected.
I wonder if perhaps I need to begin being creative in my prayer life somehow.
I have been thinking more about how I can begin to pray and find my space with God and why I am finding this so difficult at the moment.
I am realising that I am a creative person and when I pray with others there are opportunities to be creative. We had an accompanied prayer week in which a variety of creative projects were available for us to use during the open times. At each period I discovered that my mind really soaked up the creative opportunity and I found myself reaching into a mental arena that I had not expected.
I wonder if perhaps I need to begin being creative in my prayer life somehow.
Monday, July 20, 2009
"Spirituality has to do with our experiencing of God and with the transformation of our consciousness and our lives as outcomes of that experience" - Richard O'Brien, in Catholicism, p. 1058
What are the ways in which I find my life continuing to be transformed because of the experience I have of God?
At the moment I find this difficult. But as the months go on I hope that I will find windows where the light is beginning to shine through because at the moment the more I rub the dirty glass I find I am just smudging the dirt in more. Maybe I need a new cloth but I am just not sure what will work.
This has helped me to realise that I am not patient. If one thing does not work I do not work at it or methodically try things out. I just give up and wait for something to come along that does work and for that dirt to rub out on its own.
I need discipline.
I need discipline.
What are the ways in which I find my life continuing to be transformed because of the experience I have of God?
At the moment I find this difficult. But as the months go on I hope that I will find windows where the light is beginning to shine through because at the moment the more I rub the dirty glass I find I am just smudging the dirt in more. Maybe I need a new cloth but I am just not sure what will work.
This has helped me to realise that I am not patient. If one thing does not work I do not work at it or methodically try things out. I just give up and wait for something to come along that does work and for that dirt to rub out on its own.
I need discipline.
I need discipline.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Being spiritual is using a definition: closely akin in interests, attitude, outlook, etc.
When I make a new friend and we begin to get close and discover our interests are similar there are really special moments which I really enjoy.
The honeymoon period of being a Christian! This is often a period that people speak of as one which we look back on with abandonment and sheer joy in the 'spiritual' sense. I still experience moments of this joy as I grow in my faith. Because each time I realise that I have the same interests as an amazing and kindly God... It is sheer joy.
Being spiritual is using a definition: closely akin in interests, attitude, outlook, etc.
When I make a new friend and we begin to get close and discover our interests are similar there are really special moments which I really enjoy.
The honeymoon period of being a Christian! This is often a period that people speak of as one which we look back on with abandonment and sheer joy in the 'spiritual' sense. I still experience moments of this joy as I grow in my faith. Because each time I realise that I have the same interests as an amazing and kindly God... It is sheer joy.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Prayer is an area of spirituality that I feel drawn to very deeply.
When i was at university (in 1994) there was a call for people who had felt called, during a conference, to receive the gift of intercession to stand. I did feel called but my neighbour stood and he was one of those guys, you just knew would stand and so being me I did not stand. The leaders then asked for others sitting nearby one of those called to stand and pray for them. So I felt I should stand and ask God to bless him either way. Well I remember that as I was praying I felt a blessing a definite sensation and as I prayed I wondered if this was for me or whether it was for this guy. So I prayed if it was for me then the desire and leading to intercede would continue over the years.
Since this time I cannot say that I have entered into the ministry of intercessor but the reminder is always there and I have at times interceded in very powerful ways. I think actually there is confession that I have to own if I am to consider my way faithfully.
It is that while in groups I feel very comfortable praying there are times that I feel that to enter into prayer individually can be a very dangerous thing to do.
It seems to me that to pray is believe and to believe is to place oneself in a dilemma.
Either one ignores the whole spiritual world and thus will never get the whole picture or one has to face the issues head on and that perhaps that means stepping into something that is beyond our control and is worrying for each individual in different ways.
I always feel that if I pray I am placing my family in danger. This has always been my fear since I gave birth to my oldest who is now 11.
This post has gone on a while so I end with an encouraging note to myself:
Psalm 23
1 THE LORD is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack.
2 He makes me lie down in [fresh, tender] green pastures; He leads me beside the still and restful waters.(A)
3 He refreshes and restores my life (my self); He leads me in the paths of righteousness [uprightness and right standing with Him--not for my earning it, but] for His name's sake.
4 Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with [a] oil; my [brimming] cup runs over.
6 Surely or only goodness, mercy, and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, and through the length of my days the house of the Lord [and His presence] shall be my dwelling place.

Called to reflect - seek - strive - show/shine
Now I know these words can also come under the heading of spirituality?
Surely in many ways there is an outward dimension to Spirituality aswell as the inward. What I mean is when we reflect with others we often discover more or different things than when we are alone. When we seek we inspire others to seek also. If we strive we discover that others are striving also and we discover we are on a journey with others. When we do all this we want to show and naturally shine (if humility is part of the equation!)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I was speaking with the DDO and when he asked me about my spirituality I immediately thought of Celtic Spirituality. I have really enjoyed many of the prayers that have been used during communions and quiet days.
I think it is the simplicity of the prayers and songs and also the trinitarian feel for the songs and prayers.
I think it is the simplicity of the prayers and songs and also the trinitarian feel for the songs and prayers.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Life of solitude

1. What helps you keep to keep focused and draw near to God and his ways.
2. What feeds your soul and lifts your spirit
3. What enables you to keep in tune with the Holy Spirit.
Right after a few days of not being able to read the Bible I have found time to think during this period and remember that I used to find that I would feel an incling to go and read the Bible or read a particular book and when i did follow that urge it was as if forces moved to confirm my action and I would feel blessed and encouraged by what I read.
I remember that often I would find that my reading would in someway be useful in a meeting I would chance upon or I would find that a question would be sparked that I would continue to learn about or think about and then discuss with others.
So I think an answer to what for all three has to be : following an instinct to read, pray or worship in song.
I do not find that I am 'fed' at church services necessarily, I do find that I enjoy homegroups or personal meetings with people. I do find that my home life is directed toward enabling the family to have space each evening for prayer and worship and I also find that my life seems directed toward God always even if it is not what might be called 'spiritual' in the way we think of monks or nuns (ahh even the thought of such a blessed space in life is calming!)
Life of solitude

1. What helps you keep to keep focused and draw near to God and his ways.
2. What feeds your soul and lifts your spirit
3. What enables you to keep in tune with the Holy Spirit.
Right after a few days of not being able to read the Bible I have found time to think during this period and remember that I used to find that I would feel an incling to go and read the Bible or read a particular book and when i did follow that urge it was as if forces moved to confirm my action and I would feel blessed and encouraged by what I read.
I remember that often I would find that my reading would in someway be useful in a meeting I would chance upon or I would find that a question would be sparked that I would continue to learn about or think about and then discuss with others.
So I think an answer to what for all three has to be : following an instinct to read, pray or worship in song.
I do not find that I am 'fed' at church services necessarily, I do find that I enjoy homegroups or personal meetings with people. I do find that my home life is directed toward enabling the family to have space each evening for prayer and worship and I also find that my life seems directed toward God always even if it is not what might be called 'spiritual' in the way we think of monks or nuns (ahh even the thought of such a blessed space in life is calming!)
Friday, July 10, 2009
What is offensive to God in our lifestyle?
What keeps us on track?
seriously it seems to me that we can easily say 'knowing I am forgiven and knowing I am loved' but does guilt come in there at all? I think for me yes it does. I remember thinking that now my Grandad is in heaven he can see all I do and must be sooo disapointed.
I am sure that with spirituality comes this discussion that it is also part of what keeps us on track.
Ephesians 4:30-32
30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you
What is offensive to God in our lifestyle?
What keeps us on track?
seriously it seems to me that we can easily say 'knowing I am forgiven and knowing I am loved' but does guilt come in there at all? I think for me yes it does. I remember thinking that now my Grandad is in heaven he can see all I do and must be sooo disapointed.
I am sure that with spirituality comes this discussion that it is also part of what keeps us on track.
Ephesians 4:30-32
30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you
Sunday, July 05, 2009

I don't know who this man is but thank you for looking like an alien with antenae!
I recognised that I often place people, situations, events and journeys into God's hand. However I have found that I do this as if I am responding to a prompting rather than a habit. I do not leave the house for each journey and pray or think of a family member and pray, rathar I seem to recognise a deep inner yearning and respond by tuning in and then speaking aloud my prayer.
I am learning alot about my 'tuning in' as I am trying to consider these three aspects I mentioned. It is odd that I do not often get any spontanious outburst of joy or praise when I enjoy nature.. I know I am a very practical person but as I recognise how I do seem to 'tune in' to a deeper spiritual yearning I would have thought if I were a 'spiritual' person i would be blessed by nature in the way I know many people are. Maybe one day.
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